:) Thursday, February 08, 2007
random ranting by SAM.
Firstly, Im sure some of you are not strangers to the random niaoings by our friends, whom obviously do not see the need of first-aiders in the college or even the whole freaking world. Seriously they underestimate the importance of first-aiders and the only reply i can think of is " I hope your private parts fall off and theres no first-aider in sight to save your balls literally." Ignoring the fact that I will probably be unable to save anyone's private parts in the near future, my underlying message is that first-aiders are always under appreciated!
Yesterday, I just helped this girl in TJ who was suffering from exhaustion in the evening, and personally I felt that I did the right things and did not screw up, as Jun Xiang would agree with me. I go home feeling pretty satisfied and was thinking of ways to brush up on my knowledge lest i encounter more serious injuries in the future. And then today, this friend of mine came up and said these exact words ( in chinese) " Wah yesterday dont know who injured then this first-aider dont know doing what sia". That short statement seriously made me feel like shoving something up all the holes in him. He later added that he was kidding, perhaps seeing that i was on the verge of ripping his ass open, but the main point is how he reminded me how people not only make you feel useless at times, and then put you down when you finally feel that you've done something right.
The bottomline is, Im pretty sick of people questioning our importance and to pass on inconsiderate comments when we are actually doing our jobs. Im sorry that my first and perhaps only post on this blog is whining and so angsty. However I simply cannot find anybody who would remotely be able to relate to my situation. Thus, anyone is free to delete this post ONLY AFTER you READ IT! Ahh now I feel much better, THANKS OSOS! Love ya'll ( except keong).
shouted YES SIR at
[8:47 PM]